Download E-books The Chemistry of Enones : Part 1 & 2 - 2 Volume Set (The Chemistry of Functional Groups) PDF

By Saul; Rappoport, Zvi Patai

Chapter 1 normal and theoretical (pages 1–27): A. Y. Meyer
Chapter 2 Structural chemistry of enones (pages 29–54): Bernd Schweizer
Chapter three Conformations, chiroptical and similar spectral homes of enones (pages 55–105): Jacek Gawronski
Chapter four Thermochemistry of enones and similar species (pages 107–128): Joel F. Liebman and Ralph M. Pollack
Chapter five NMR spectroscopy of enones (pages 129–150): Hugo E. Gottlieb
Chapter 6 The chemistry of ionized enones within the fuel section (pages 151–197): Frantisek Turecek
Chapter 7 Synthesis of enones (pages 199–280): Chachanat Thebtaranonth and Yodhathai Thebtaranonth
Chapter eight man made makes use of of enones (pages 281–315): Gerhard V. Boyd
Chapter nine Acid–base behaviour of enones (pages 317–354): Romuald I. Zalewski
Chapter 10 Nucleophilic assaults on enones (pages 355–469): Daniele Duval and Serge Geribaldi
Chapter eleven Addition of electrons or radicals to ?, ??unsaturated ketones (pages 471–512): Glen A. Russell
Chapter 12 The response of enones with electrophiles (pages 513–558): Klaus Mullen and Peter Wolf
Chapter thirteen Chemical and enzymatic conversion of ?, ??enones to ?, ??enones (pages 559–597): Ralph M. Pollack, Patricia L. Bounds and Charles L. Bevins

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