Download E-books Cultivating Virtue: Perspectives from Philosophy, Theology, and Psychology PDF

Notwithstanding advantage ethics is having fun with a resurgence, the subject of advantage cultivation has been mostly ignored through philosophers. This quantity treatments this hole, that includes in general new essays, commissioned for this assortment, through philosophers, theologians, and psychologists on the leading edge of study into advantage. every one contribution makes a speciality of a few point of advantage improvement, both by means of highlighting advantage cultivation inside exact traditions of moral or non secular concept, or by means of taking a developmental point of view to yield clean insights into criticisms of advantage ethics, or by means of interpreting the technology that explains advantage improvement. The essays through Russell and driving force examine advantage cultivation or difficulties linked to it from Aristotelian and utilitarian views. Slote addresses advantage improvement from the sentimentalist viewpoint. Swanton and Cureton and Hill discover self-improvement, the previous with an eye fixed to providing ideas to opinions of advantage ethics, the latter from a Kantian moral vantage aspect. Slingerland examines modern psychology in addition to advantage improvement within the Confucian culture to counter situationist criticisms of advantage ethics. Flanagan, Bucar, and Herdt learn how advantage is cultivated within the Buddhist, Islamic, and Christian traditions, respectively. Narvaez, Thompson, and McAdams provide descriptive insights from psychology into advantage improvement. the result's a suite of tremendous inventive essays that not just fills the present hole but additionally can provide to stimulate new paintings on a philosophically missed but very important topic.

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