Download E-books Low Carb Kuchen: Trendrezepte für Kuchen, Torten, Cupcakes, Muffins & Co. & inkl. Kühlschranktorten, Eistorten und Kuchen im Glas - Mit Bonuskapitel aus ... LOW CARB DESSERTS (German Edition) PDF

By Aléna Ènn

*** Nr. 1 Bestseller in der Kategorie "Kochen & Backen" ***

*** Süße Low Carb Trendkuchen zum Genießen ***

*** Bereits über 25.000 begeisterte Leser ***

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Über das Buch:

Low Carb Rezepte für alle, die es süß mögen

Kuchen und Torten sind im Rahmen der Low Carb-Ernährung eigentlich tabu. Wer trotzdem nicht auf Süßes verzichten will, findet in diesem Buch leckere, abwechslungsreiche und raffinierte Rezepte für kohlenhydratarme Kuchen, Torten, Cupcakes, brownies & Co. Ohne Weizenmehl, ohne Zucker, aber mit ganz viel Geschmack!

Low Carb Trend-Torten und Kuchenklassiker

Kuchen und Torten, Cupcakes und cakes, Kühlschranktorten, Torten im Glas und sogar Eistorten – mit diesem Buch bekommen Sie all das spielend leicht gebacken! Beeindrucken Sie Ihre Gäste mit himmlischen Low Carb-Trendtorten oder verwöhnen Sie sich selbst mit süßen Naschereien.

cutting edge Ideen für Ernährungsbewusste

Backen ohne Zucker und Mehl – wie soll das gehen? Und schmeckt es dann auch? Hier erfahren Sie, wie es funktioniert. Lesen Sie zudem, welche Vorteile eine Ernährung ohne Zucker und Weißmehl mit sich bringt und warum Sie mit Low Carb spielend einfach abnehmen können, ohne hungern zu müssen.

Jetzt reinklicken und sofort loslegen! encumbered Sie dieses publication noch heute herunter!

Auszug aus dem Inhalt:

Wie funktioniert Low Carb?

Sind Low Carb Kuchen eigentlich gesund?

Diät oder Ernährungsumstellung?

Backen ohne Mehl

Backen ohne Zucker

Häufige Fragen

Kuchen & Torten



Eierlikör-Kuchen im Glas



Red Velvet Cheesecake


Saftiger Zucchini-Schoko-Kuchen


Mini Apfelkuchen

Marzipan-Kirsch-Kuchen vom Blech


Kokos-Cupcakes mit Orangenquark


Schoko-Himbeer-Muffins mit Marzipan

Piña Colada Torte

Bananen-Himbeer Cupcakes

Kuchen ohne Backen & Eistorten





Frischkäse-Kuchen mit Kirschen

Strawberry Orange Cheesecake



Bonuskapitel: Backzutaten selbst gemacht – Low Carb & zuckerfrei




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Download E-books Small Bites Big Flavor: Simple, Savory, And Sophisticated Recipes For Entertaining PDF

This innovative cookbook is written for the house chef who desires to extend their repertoire in growing enjoyable and unconventional dishes no matter if the collection is for 2, twenty, or 200. via recipes bursting with character, award-winning Chef Eric LeVine deals actually leading edge takes on attempted and precise favorites, similar to a twisted mini poultry pot pie, an grand mouthful of taste.
      The smallest of bites show off 3 major constituents utilized in 3 various arrangements, resembling mushroom, ginger, and bird used 3 ways. additionally incorporated are recipes for delectable mid-sized, greater, and candy bites--even a few signature cocktails! all through, this attractive chef contains notes to motivate the house cook dinner to augment and alter up their food utilizing those recipes as a base. all of the 100-plus recipes, from Artichokes crammed with red meat and Ricotta to Brown Sugar Bacon Cupcakes, are observed through gorgeous images. you are going to find out how a lot enjoyable nutrition may be to organize, current, proportion, and naturally to eat!

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Download E-books Grilled Pizza the Right Way: The Best Technique for Cooking Incredible Tasting Pizza & Flatbread on Your Barbecue Perfectly Chewy & Crispy Every Time PDF

By John Delpha

The mystery to The Perfect

Pizza Is Your Grill!

John Delpha exhibits you the straightforward but exceptional option to make pizza at the grill-gas or

charcoal-to create a distinct, crispy crust with a bit chunk and an unforgettable smoky

and tacky style. With quite a few mins and a bit procedure, you can be serving pizza

off your grill encouraged by means of Al Forno in windfall, RI, the place John labored and the place the

owner, George Germon, famously invented the grilled pizza thirty-five years ago.

Delpha bargains up his very good dough recipe for purists, and in addition makes use of store-bought dough for

absolutely scrumptious effects. His cheese mixture is easy, balanced and completely tangy paired

with his favourite topping combos assembled during this extraordinary selection of pizza recipes.

Everyone who attempts this pizza raves approximately it. it really is basic, enjoyable, scrumptious, outstanding and

unforgettable-made the ideal way.

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Download E-books Menüs aus dem Dampfgarer: Einfach. Schnell. Gesund. (Genusswelten) (German Edition) PDF

By Eva Maria Lipp

Für alle, die Wert auf qualitativ hochwertige Lebensmittel legen und vermeiden wollen, dass die Produkte bei der Zubereitung ihre ge-sunden Vitamine und körperwichtigen Mineralstoffe verlieren, ist das sanfte Garen genau das Richtige. Mithilfe von Dampfgarer und Dampfbackofen gelingt das auch auf ganz einfache Weise. Egal, ob dämpfen, pochieren, backen, überbacken, garen und hot halten, regenerieren, auftauen, gären, sterilisieren oder vorwärmen - alles geschieht wie im Handumdrehen und mit geringem Aufwand. Die Autorin zeigt, wie einfach
es ist, dass Gemüse seine schöne Farbe behält und Blüten ihre filigrane shape. Wie guy Salate knackig zubereitet und Fisch sowie Fleisch genau auf den Punkt gart. Die Rezepte sind so ver-führerisch, dass jeder Lust bekommt, in der Küche Dampf zu machen. Und weil nichts mehr anbrennt, überkocht und verkocht, ist Dampfgaren nicht nur ein außergewöhnliches Genuss-, sondern auch ein ausgesprochenes Erfolgserlebnis.

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Download E-books Linsenlust: 45 Rezepte aus aller Welt (Genusswelten) (German Edition) PDF

By Petra Kolip

Von rustikal bis based - kaum ein Lebensmittel enthält so viel Eiweiß und Ballaststoffe und ist dabei so vielfältig wie die Linse. Sie ist vollwertige Hauptmahlzeit, raffinierte Beilage oder Zutat für Salate, Suppen und Brotaufstriche. Ob bodenständige Klassiker, mediterrane Rezepte oder Köstlichkeiten aus Nah- und Fernost - jedes Gericht ist einfach nachzukochen und lässt sich vielseitig abwandeln.

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Download E-books Party Cakes for Children: Over 20 Fun Cakes PDF

By Carol Deacon

These extraordinary brownies are alive with lovely and cuddly, sporty and adventurous, frightening and spooky characters that might satisfaction youngsters of every age. Even starting bakers could be inspired and encouraged via Carol Deacon’s basic advent, with its easy-to-follow question-and-answer technique that takes the angst out of adorning with sugarpaste. choose between impossible to resist, child-appealing designs that diversity from Sketchbook, laptop, and Racing vehicle to terrible malicious program, Princess, Fishing Pond, and Fairy city. There are even microwave truffles that prepare dinner in 4 mins, designs that commence with store-bought muffins, and ones specifically created in order that young ones can get in at the enjoyable and aid beautify, too.

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Download E-books Very Merry Cookie Party: How to Plan and Host a Christmas Cookie Exchange PDF

By Virginia Van Vynckt, Barbara Grunes

Modern busy bakers intend to make a stunning number of scrumptious Christmas cookies with no spending days upon flour-smudged days blending, rolling, and baking. this is often your consultant to the Christmas cookie trade, the place every person exhibits up with a couple of batches of selfmade cookies to switch. it is all the range with out the fuss! Red-and-white striped edges make this cute ebook appear like a Christmas current, with a hundred and twenty recipes to select from, plus information for adorning, making plans, and throwing the get together.

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Download E-books 51 Gluten Free Vegetarian Creamy Soups: Delicious, creamy soups with flavours from all over the world to prepare with your blender. PDF

By Pawel Malczewski

Aussie nutritionist Pawel Malczewski hits one other excessive word with the Gluten loose Vegetarian Soup Cookbook. should you have had non-stop and long issues of gluten of their nutrition and who've waited decades for the type of meals that provide nice style and gluten unfastened nutrients and no meat, your wait is over.

Pawel, most sensible identified for his smoothie and fit cakes cookbooks expands his horizons and yours via supplying you a booklet of scrumptious vegetarian gluten unfastened soups with flavors from around the world.

• 51 mouthwatering creamy soups from all corners of the realm (African, American, Asian, Brazilian, Caribbean, Danish, Ethiopian, Italian, Indian, French, Hungarian, Jamaican, Indian to call a few!)

• All recipes are VEGETARIAN

• All recipes are GLUTEN FREE

• All recipes are designed for pureeing

• Tips and methods on getting ready vegetarian gluten unfastened soup purees

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Download E-books The Compleat Meadmaker: Home Production of Honey Wine From Your First Batch to Award-winning Fruit and Herb Variations PDF

By Ken Schramm

As probably the most historic of human drinks, mead arose partially since it was once effortless to make. Today’s hobbyists rediscover the simplicity of creating mead whereas reveling within the diversity of flavors which could end result. within the Compleat Meadmaker, veteran beverage hobbyist and meadmaker, Ken Schramm, introduces the amateur to the wonders of mead. With easy-to-follow systems and straightforward recipes, he exhibits how one can quick and painlessly make your personal mead at domestic. In later chapters he introduces flavorful adaptations at the uncomplicated subject that bring about meads flavored with spice, culmination, grapes or even malt.

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Download E-books Garde Manger: The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen PDF

By Culinary Institute of America

The prime consultant to the pro kitchen's chilly foodstuff station, now totally revised and updated
Garde Manger: The artwork and Craft of the chilly Kitchen has been the market's prime textbook for culinary scholars and a key reference for pro cooks for the reason that its unique book in 1999. This new version improves at the final with the main up to date recipes, plating thoughts, and taste profiles getting used within the box this day. New details on subject matters like artisanal cheeses, modern varieties of pickles and vinegars, and modern cooking tools has been further to mirror the most up-tp-date developments. And the fourth version contains countless numbers of all-new images through award-winning photographer Ben Fink, in addition to nearly 450 recipes, greater than a hundred of that are all-new to this variation. wisdom of garde manger is an important a part of each culinary student's education, and plenty of of the world's such a lot celebrated cooks begun in garde manger as apprentices or chefs. The paintings of garde manger encompasses a extensive base of culinary abilities, from simple chilly foodstuff arrangements to roasting, poaching, simmering, and sautéing meats, fish, chicken, greens, and legumes. This complete consultant comprises designated details on chilly sauces and soups; salads; sandwiches; cured and smoked meals; sausages; terrines, pâtes, galantines, and roulades; cheese; appetizers and hors d'oeuvre; condiments, crackers, and pickles; and buffet improvement and presentation.

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