By David R. Corey, Ronald N. Zuckermann, Peter G. Schultz (auth.), Professor H. Dugas (eds.)
Contents: D.R. Corey, R.N. Zuckermann, P.G. Schultz, Berkeley, CA: Hybrid Enzymes and the Sequence-Specific Cleavage of Nucleid Acids.- S.C. Zimmerman, Urbana, IL: Molecular Tweezers: artificial Receptors for pi-Sandwich Complexation of fragrant Substrates.- Y. Murakami, Fukuoka, Japan; J. Kikuchi, Saga, Japan: Supramolecular Assemblies Formed with artificial Peptide Lipids. practical versions of Biomembranes and Enzymes.- A.D. Hamilton, Pittsburgh, PA: Synthetic experiences on Molecular Recognition.- J. Chin, M. Banaszczyk, V. Jubian, J.H. Kim, ok. Mrejen, Montreal: Artificial Hydrolytic Metalloenzymes: A Unified Approach.- J.-P. Sauvage, C. Dietrich-Buchecker, Strasbourg: Interlocked and Knotted jewelry in Biology and Chemistry.
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